How it Works for Employers
Create a job post in minutes with a few simple steps.
Find, contact, and hire high-quality candidates faster than ever
Our subscription plans were built to fit your individual hiring needs. Bundle and save to take full advantage of the power of Advertise your new job to thousands of qualified candidates in just a few clicks.
Manage Applicants
All your applicants in one place, helping you quickly identify your short list of qualified candidates you can contact immediately.
Get 1-on-1 support
We are not a national job site that doesn't answer the phone when you call. We are local (based in North Adams, MA) and are here to talk you through the process of finding job candidates to fill your position.
Post a Job
Post your job. If you've signed up for our resume search, find active candidates and reach out directly.
Get resumes
You'll be notified via email when you receive a new applicant
Review & Hire
Review, save, & email resumes to your team and make a hire!
Why Use This Site?Most employers find that their biggest business challenge isn't accounting,marketing, sales, or production. It's finding and attracting the right talent. ![]() Not only do you need people with the correct mix of skills, enthusiasm, and experience to do the job, you also need employees who will fit in with your company. People with the right attitude, who can work effectively in your unique corporate environment. And that's a tall order. With, you're able to reach potential candidates whom you'd never otherwise find. And you can do so more quickly, effectively, and with a lower cost-per-hire than traditional recruiting methods. When you sign up for, top-notch resumes are delivered straight to your inbox. You can also search our powerful resume database, day or night. Our tiered participation structure means that will work for you whatever your size, budget, or needs. |
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We Can Help! Give us a call 413.663.3384 |